Thursday, September 14, 2006

Book RevieW: The 9/11 Report: A Graphic Adaptation

"OMG" to lapse into 'netSPEAK'.
I can't believe this.

I've been a firm believer in the power and sheer Awe that they can produce since Art Spigelman's 'Maus' ages ago.

I last mentioned a Graphic Novel, when my daughter took me to see "V is for Vendetta", last winter (Natalie Portman with a shaved head, you'll remember.

I am grateful to Brian Leher for having Sid Jacobson and Ernie Colon on ths show today to discuss their new Graphic Novel (aka comic), 9-11 Rpt. Graphic Novel"> In listening to the show today, I first laughed to myself about the topic, then went over to the WNYC site, and found the link that brought me to Slate Magazine, which has graciously put a great deal of the book online to view.

Absolutely Recommended. Available in Hardcover or Paperback. Go here to get them:


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