$$$ Rumsfeld Says $$$
--> Note that all quotes titled"$$$Rumsfeld says$$$" comes from a document he created in 2001, entitled, "My Rules for Life" (see bottom of post for original source)
<-- $$$ Rumsfeld Says $$$
Enjoy your time in public service. It may well be one of the most interesting and challenging times of your life.
*** Markbnj says *** May your service to the country end VERY VERY SOON!
<-- $$$ Rumsfeld Says $$$
Don’t think of yourself as indispensable or infallible. As Charles De Gaulle said, the cemeteries of the world are full of indispensable men.*** Markbnj says *** And you've screwed up our country enough, since 2001 Mr. Rumsfeld.
<-- $$$ Rumsfeld Says $$$
Let your family, staff, and friends know that you’re still the same person, despite all the publicity and notoriety that accompanies your position.*** Markbnj says *** And that despite the stupid things they read in the paper about you, you REALLY ARE that STUPID!
<-- $$$ Rumsfeld Says $$$
Have a deputy and develop a successor.*** Markbnj says *** AND know WHEN to RETIRE! or RESIGN.
<-- $$$ Rumsfeld Says $$$
Don’t be consumed by the job or you’ll risk losing your balance. Keep your mooring lines to the outside world -- family, friends, neighbors, people out of government, and people who may not agree with you.<-- $$$ Rumsfeld Says $$$
*** Markbnj says *** And especially former subordinates who tell you that your PERFORMANCE in inadaquate, and SHAMEFULL.
When asked for your views, by the press or others, remember that what they really want to know is the President’s views.
*** Markbnj says *** And you should learn to pass the BAD news on, along with the good news.
<-- $$$ Rumsfeld Says $$$
Most of the 50 or so invitations you receive each week come from people inviting the President’s Chief of Staff, not you. If you doubt that, ask your predecessor how many he received last week.
*** Markbnj says *** Remember that you are SUPPOSED to SERVE the PRESIDENT, not the OTHER way AROUND!
--- END of this chapter.. keep reading for more
--Read the ORIGINAL source HERE:
Rumsy says:
See my original post HERE. (all 13 pages of it)
The original is NOW gone, look HERE for a cached version:
1 comment:
He clearly missed one basic rule in life - "practice what you preach"!
Dr Nazli
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