Friday, March 31, 2006

TecH: Free Movies & Broadband

Very interesting tactic to attract customers...
The ISP is sponsoring this...

...the service allows any user in Hong Kong, to legally download five movies for free. Here is the catch - there is an 18-minute download time out, which means if you are using DSL services sold by HKBN’s rivals, you are not going to get too far. On the other hand, if you have HKBN’s Metro Ethernet bb100 (symmetric 100 Mbps) service, then you can download a 4GB DVD format movie in less than 7 minutes

Source here: GigaOM : » Of Free Movies & Broadband

note that the point of this is the ISP offers a large movie, that times out after 18 mins. if you have THEIR service, you can download fast enough, otherwise you CANT!

PoliticS: Dems to offer REAL alternative FINALLY?

Daily Kos: Democrats To Unveil "Real Security" Plan

Be still my liberal (still beating) heart.
Have the Democrats (aka sleep-eze party) actually woken up?
According to the daily kos, it shows that .
Two key items of the plan are (1) eliminating Osama bin Laden (yes, the Democrats use the word "eliminate") and (2) and a "responsible redeployment of U.S. forces" from Iraq in 2006

Oh wow. A real possible UNITED democratic party?

Now all we need is to make Joe Liberman the new VP instead of Cheney, who needs to become the new Secry of Defense

WHY is DICK CHENEY Donald Rumsfeld still EMPLOYED?

CoNsTiTutioN: Photog Fired for Supremes Foto

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
So. We Discover that BOSTON is STILL a Town ENTIRELY controlled by the Catholic Church.

For those living in a bubble.
The photo is of one of the Supremes. That is Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. One of the most powerful men in the world, showing a reporter what he'd say to someone who questioned his ability to separate his religious beliefs from his job.

The sign, essentially, (for those not on the east coast, or not having watched the Sopranos) is a sign essentially saying, Get the HECK out of my face.

It ISNT a sign saying a four letter word, but just a sign of disrespect.

Oh, and We're headed for a Constitutional Monarchy
Even Former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Oconnor thinks so!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

JeWisH: JewFORaDay

Oh Cripes. No Make that CRIMINAL.

I can't believe this.

[Fast explanation: A Schooldecides to show 8th graders what it was like to be jewish under the Nazi's. Perhaps a little more prep work was needed, as the reactions were terrible.]

Took all kids with last names L-Z and made them wear a gold 6point (Jewish) Star.

They SHOULD have collected the kids out of the classroom at that point.

Speaking as someone who watched over 20-25 different holocaust films IN the 1970's, and having had a very extensive holocaust and ZIONIST educational experience when I was coming of age, I can tell you several things.

1) FIRST mistake. The teacher had a GREAT idea. It should have been shared with the parents, as a future item in a newsletter, something like...
Dear Parents:
Next month we will be doing a very innovative project for holocaust memorial day. We are giving you a heads up now, so you are informed. We will be providing a detailed explanation of the program for you to review after we've showed the kids.

2) An intro to the unit, would have been good, showing; say the Warsaw Ghetto, and show how everyone there was forced to wear a Jewish Star. Perhaps a week in advance.

3) The affected "Jews" should have been collected, from the classes, and forcibly segrated again! (and 1/2 of the kids should have been told it was only for the day, so they could pass it around)

4)It seems that the teacher/staff did not do a critical need of brainstorming
the possible ways the scenario could have gone. Otherwise, the kids would have even had a special bread and water line....This could have been accomplished by having the food staff hand everyone with a star, a paper bag containing a slice of bread and some water.

This Idea of divide and show is the greatest one I have ever heard of for teaching holocaust education.
It just needs someone who's experienced enough in understanding the little things, and making sure that the parents were not too alarmed.


Tech: SendMAIL flaw

Quick Entry.
If you run a server with SENDMAIL, PATCH it BEFORE the bug is exploited!..Nuff said!
More info Here

PrIvAcY: Look behind BB is there ,Pt. 1

Techdirt: Is There Anyone The Government Didn't Subpoena For Their COPA Defense?

The Government is really trying to work on protecting our kids....
The case in question is the government's defense of the COPA law (Child Online Protection Act), which had been thrown out as unconstitutional. The government is looking for data to back up their position that the law should be allowed, with the key to its argument being that internet filters are not effective in stopping pornography from reaching minors. To back up that statement, it appears they subpoenaed everyone they could think of who might have data to support that position.

InformationWeek filed a Freedom of Information Act request to see who the government had subpoenaed for this particular case and turned up the fact that the government sent subpoenas to at least 34 companies, including a number of ISPs and security firms.

According to the ORIGINAL article here

Companies issued subpoenas included:

FULL LIST Wow. they didn't miss an ISP!
711Net (Mayberry USA)
American Family Online
Bell South
Cable Vision
Charter Communications
Comcast Cable Company
Computer Associates
Cox Communications
S4F (Advance Internet Management)
SBC Communications
Secure Computing Corp.
Security Software Systems
Solid Oak Software
Surf Control
Time Warner
Tucows (Mayberry USA)
United Online
"What they are doing,[snip] is engaging in a massive fishing expedition, in an attempt to find some shred of evidence that they think can change a result they didn't like, which is that COPA violates the First Amendment," says Aden Fine, an attorney for the ACLU.

While the government's demands for information from Internet search engines have privacy implications for individuals, its interest in corporate information raises questions about the rights of businesses.

Stephen Ryan, a partner at Manatt Phelps & Phillips in Washington D.C., considers the scope of the government's discovery efforts unusual. "I'm not surprised that the Google piece looks like the tip of an iceberg," he says. "But it is sort of surprising that they're using their authority this broadly."

MORE To come...

Humor: Brazilian Urinals

MAN, Look at that cake MOVE!!!

Better yet DON't Look. It isn't a spectator sport!!!

Here's The original

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

PoLitiCS: Diebold Dirty TRIX again **updated**

Techdirt: Diebold Tries To Charge County For Showing Its Machines Have Serious Problems

Would SOMEONE PLEASE take this corporation (diebold)

and tell them to STOP making these darn unsafe voting Machines???
New link:
The Black Box voting Project actually DID the analysis of the voting machines in UTAH discussed below..

Better yet, would SOMEONE start to tell these folks that their Lobbying connections and attempting to suppress the SECURITY experts will NOT work in the long term?!!!

Please take this (or original) post, and put it on YOUR blog so it gets the maximum exposure....

This corporation should not be allowed to pull big bully tactics to scare public officials..

Diebold and other electronic voting machine companies in Florida, [snip][are] boycotting an elections official who had the gall to have their machines tested in a way that shows they have serious security issues.
That article noted that Diebold was negotiating to sell new machines to the county, but only on the condition that the elections officials not run more security tests -- other than "authorized" security tests (because, of course, those with malicious intent would only hack the machines in an "authorized" way).

...the county [official] ordered a bunch of Diebold machines and noticed a bunch of problems with the machines as they unpacked them. So, sensing a problem that should be investigated, the official had a couple machines security tested -- which turned up all sorts of additional security issues. Diebold's response? They told the county that the tests broke the warranty on the machines and demanded $40,000 to "recertify" the machines.

That sounds like a big set of balls to me!


Please post a link to this article on your blog, so as many people as possible can see this article

ReliGioN: More on Issac Hayes & So. Park

THe Isaac Hayes and So. Park story gets weirder!

It gets Stranger and stranger.

When we LAST left the Issac Hayes and South Park controversy, Issac had quit the Show, based on his assertions that he did not approve of the show's take on SCIENTOLOGY. But, according to "The Seattle Stranger", "Isaac Hayes did not quit "South Park." My sources say that someone quit it for him.

According to Fox News
...Hayes is in no position to have quit anything. Contrary to news reports, the great writer, singer and musician suffered a stroke on Jan. 17. At the time it was said that he was hospitalized and suffering from exhaustion.

But it’s hard to know anything since Hayes, like Katie Holmes, is constantly monitored by a Scientologist representative most of the time.

Friends in Memphis tell me that Hayes did not issue any statements on his own about South Park. They are mystified.

“Isaac’s been concentrating on his recuperation for the last two and a half, three months,” a close friend told me.

Hayes did not suffer paralysis, but the mild stroke may have affected his speech and his memory. He’s been having home therapy since it happened.

That certainly begs the question of who issued the statement that Hayes was quitting "South Park" now because it mocked Scientology four months ago. If it wasn’t Hayes, then who would have done such a thing?

Cheers and more thoughts (and wishes for his quick recovery!)

PoliticS: Democrats finally WAKE up from DEAD!

Daily Kos says:
"Two key items of the plan are (1) eliminating Osama bin Laden (yes, the Democrats use the word 'eliminate') and (2) and a 'responsible redeployment of U.S. forces' from Iraq in 2006"

Hallajuah. The opposition party has woken up from a deep slumber.

Now. if we can get Joe Liberman appointed to either
a) replace Donald Rumsfeld as Secy of Defense or
b) replace Dick Cheney , as Dick Cheny becomes Secy of Defense

THEN we will be RUMSFELD free !!!


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

PerSonaL: More (mini)Me (20+ Questions)

non i tagged myself after seeing this on ...vocabulum

Questions and Answers

1Q. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18 and find line 4.
The Cynic's dictionary isbn 0688-15125-6
1A. Abstract Art. Incoherent dabs of paint in which serious Critics..
[rest of entry...
detect shadings of metaphysical doubt or alienation when in fact the artist was simply suffering from the effects of an undigested meatloaf ]

2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can, what do you find?

2A) Another Keyboard to the computer to the left of me, named Opus. I am typing on Lola

3Q. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
3A. Um. TV? can I get it on the internet? Maybe a paris hilton video about a year ago?

4Q. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
4A. NPR going on and on talk-like.

5Q. When did you last step outside?
5A. What were you doing?
About 2 hrs ago. Coming home from a family counseling meeting

6Q. Before you started this survey, what did you look at? by way of someone else pointing to her (?).

7Q. What are you wearing?
7A. Blue dungaree work shirt with corporate logo and tan slacks. (although I will be wearing nothing in about 2 minutes. hee hee).

8Q. Did you dream last night?
8A. I dreamed about dreaming and having fun stuff with my wife.

9Q. When did you last laugh?
9A. About 2 hrs ago at my son in our family counseling session when he said he didn't lie.

10Q. What is on the walls of the room you are in?
10A. Directly above the lcd I am writing on is a shelf holding computer paper, and another shelf to the right of it with a heat sealing machine.

11Q. Seen anything weird lately?
11A. The email that said the advisor to my son's boy scout troop died in the parking lot last night, after the boy scout meeting in which he thanked the troop. Sometimes you don't know if you're coming or going.

12Q. What do you think of this quiz?
12A. It is introspective, and very thoughtful.

13Q. What is the last film you saw?
13A. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

14Q. If you turned a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
14A. I would take the business idea that I managed to turn into a 1/3rd of a million dollar loss and make it work... and I would use the newly hired legal staff of the enterprise to skillfully take a wide object and stuff it up the rear end of the civil servant who managed to cause me to lose said $300,000 in this business venture.

15Q. Tell me something about you that I don’t know.
15A. I lost $300,000 in a business gone bad? Oops, you knew that already, didn't you! I have been with the same lovely spousal unit for over 30 years. Oh I Know. We were married on Feb 29th, so we are REALLY only married six years, despite having a 21 year old daughter! HEE HEE hee hee

16Q. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt and politics, what would you do?
16A. LOVE the lord. Just please don't call him Jesus. Others have different names for him, you Can call him the lord, I can call him the lord, Muslims can also call him the lord, and we can ALL be happy.
Oh and Love your neighbor as yourself.
Oh, and observe the 10 utterances (aka the 10 commandments)

17Q. Do you like to dance?
17A. Yeah. Right. Shake it up baby. Twist and Shout...

18Q. George Bush.
18A. cancer. (previous answer, not deleted.
18B. A F#$&*(#&*()!@#&*(P$ WAR CRIMINAL
Take the Damn idiot and censure him. Make DICK cheney he next Secretary of Defense, and make Joe Liberman (D,CT) the Next VP.

19Q. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
19A. Jessica.

20Q. Imagine your first child is a boy, what would you call him?
20A. Zachariah

21Q. Would you ever consider living abroad?
21A. Have tried, have desired, still consider, but NOT Iraq.

22Q. What would you want God to say to you when you reach
the pearly gates?
22A. Sholom Alichem

23Q. 4 people who must also do this meme.
23A. Drama-Mamma (
23B. Cindy-Lou (
23C. Whomajigi (
23D. (ellison) (

MidEasT: Libya denies Israelis Entry... details after Gog arrives

Another Arab country with head in Sand
Yeah, yeah yeah. Forget the 1967 borders. Lets go back to the 1948 borders. Or better yet, how about the 67AD borders?!

PoliticS: or TecH: xxx domain (5/20 update)

5/20 update... The proposed domain registry is FIGHTING back and SUING ICANN for interference!

5/11 update: ICAN says F#$&*#$ you to XXX domain
They cave to LOTS of political (and RIGHT wing, ANTI Gay type) interference...

XX domain good or bad?

I say let's GO for the XXX domain. I can then set up a filter at MY firewall(s) and drop it forever.
Even better if all sites move there!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

ConstituTioN: Patriot Act Misued

The Liberty Zone: Think the government would only use the Patriot Act against terrorists?
Oh great.

Now we get to worry what the heck we've done, and what we need to pray for absolvance from...


Friday, March 24, 2006

PoliticS: Shock and Stupidity

A View Through My Window

Well said. Except that the "I" word (IMPEACHMENT) won't work.

Maybe one of the OTHER "I" words (does Vladd the IMPALER ring a bell) would work.

Otherwise VP would need to resign FIRST!

Question of the Day.
Why is Donald Rumsfield STILL employed?!!!!!!!!!!!

HumoR: The PAIN of childbirth

I am sKIPPING this picture. If you absolutely need to see it, click below

Oh the PAIN of it. Click here if you MUST see the Picture..oh... But you are warned NOT to, under pain of "gross".

What is it? A life sized statue of Brittany Spears giving birth to her son, Entitled: "Monument to pro-life: the Birth of Sean Preston"


This IS humor folks. But spare yourself the picture (hee-hee)

ConSumeR:Tom's of Maine $old to Colgate

Colgate buys Tom's of Maine for $100 million
Another one bites the dust. And another one...

But Tom Chappell said that neither Tom's of Maine's business philosophy nor its quirky toothpaste flavors like fennel, apricot and orange-mango will change.


Thursday, March 23, 2006

Ready 2 VeggiE (3): Getting ready to say GOODBYE

In A Previous post, I talk about Bird Flu again! And I just wanted to add the following links to update it.

INTERESTING. Worldwide BIRD migratory routes

Now note, this does not look like it has 2006 data, and so far we've heard of reports from FRANCE, Israel, AFRICA, ASIA and Australia.
Just waiting for the Americas to start to check in!

Again, My feeling is that the US IS NOT immune from it.
This article says that a rumor that Bird Flu Closer to US is denied by the Mexican Government.
The GOOD news is that according to this article,the current bird flu strain does NOT seem to be transmitting itself to HUMANS.. (unless I guess you use the chicken head like a ball, like 2 kids who died in Africa did)..

Cheers (??)

PoLiticS: Russ Feingold, American Hero?

Russ Feingold Citizen Hero or Senate Chump?

I think Hero. But why is it no one else in the congress agrees with him?

Power Corrupts. Absolute Power corrupts absolutely.


Throw out ALL the Republician's and EVERYONE who's been there over 20 years.

    This country needs:
  1. 16 year term limits in SENATE or HOUSE
    (2 term {senate} or 8 term {house} LIMT)

  2. ONE SIX year term for PRESIDENT

  3. SPENDING LIMITS in ALL political Campaigns

  4. A second (AND THIRD) REAL political Party-*-

Which leads me to Kevin Phillip, who is a former Nixon administration wonk, who's written a new book detailing how our political system has totally collapsed into a theocracy. Yes, a Theocracy, just like they have in IRAN!

Terry Gross
Interviews him, and he talks about his new book, entitled, "American Theocracy: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and Borrowed Money in the 21st Century" As someone who is NOT christian, it sent shivers down my spine.


Thanks to Jon for links

HuMoR: ANdy sez:

Love his headlines!

Shades of deleting the evidence!

EnVirornmenT: CycleLane ads

Getting Ready for MY first organized bike tour!

As I am getting ready for my first organized bike trip in 30 years (this weekend, a measly 8 miles) I saw this and was struck by it!)

I did Say My blog was Eclectic!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

RumSFelD: Rumsfeld:new violence is good

The Onion says that

Dumbsfeld said Monday that escalating violence in Iraq demonstrates that the Iraqi population is now capable of waging the Iraq war itself


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

PoliTicS: Time to Leave Mr. President

Bush Lies Again- Next President
OK. Mr. President. You said if we don't belive in your policies, and don't believe in you we should tell you.
YOU said we'd be IN and OUT. Now we're told PART of the TRUTH. THE REAL TRUTH IS WE will be in IRAQ for a MINIMUM of 25 years, and WE WILL have a DRAFT, ALL thanks to YOUR idiotic decision to GO TO WAR IN IRAQ.

WE DONT believe you.
The American People THINK THEY have been LIED to.
The American People THINK THEY have been brought into a war that was NOT Necessary.
The American People THINK THEY have been mislead, since there were no WMD.
The American People THINK THEY have been brought into a war that was NOT Necessary.
The American People THINK THEY have been Lied to, the Defense department IS torturing
Prisoners of WAR (and the upper echelon is NOT being punished for this travesty).
The American People are TIRED of Knowing that one of the architects of this FIASCO,

It is time FOR THE SECRETARY of Defense to BE RETIRED!
He is the cause of much of these problems. However, it is TIME to clean house, and make him leave. PERHAPS you will have better advice from someone FRESH.

It's been suggested that President Cheney Resign, and HE shold become the Secretary of Defense. I could live with that.

And I'm a democrat!

Please listen.

MidEasT: Interesting Interview

Ohh. Remember me? I thought we need to go back to the two state solution proposed in 1948. One state was Israel, and One state was PALESTINE. (land was annexed by JORDAN in 1948...Just like ISRAEL annexed Jerusalem in 1967...)

Remeber the wars in Israel.
1948 All arab countries attack Israel.
1956 French pull out of Suez Canal, Israel take over (and then gives back) the ENTIRE
SINAI desert
1967 Israel launches pre-emptive strike against Egypt, other countries preparing to
attack Israel. Capture Sinai desert again.
1972 Yom Kippur war. Attacked on Holiest day of year.

198X.. Nucklear(as "W" would say it...)
The head of The Israeli Sub fleet says, that:
hitting strategic targets is not always a task the Air Force or the infantry can carry out{...but...}a submarine can perform {This} mission...{snip}

{There are} dozens of security operations, {snip}{have}been made possible {because of} the IDF's sub fleet. ...snip...These missions will remain in the shadow for years to come, {for security reasons!}

[note: emphasis/editing by mark (me)

Perhaps we need to tell this to the president of Iran. Too late!

Israeli Sub fleet chief: says we're ready...

HumoR: Reality Bites Bush in Backside

Andy Sez

Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf, who became famous ...snip...when he served as Information Minister to Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein, was {today} named the chief spokesman for the Pentagon in Washington.

“Baghdad Bob” came to prominence three years ago by repeatedly proclaiming that the Iraqi army was demolishing invading U.S. forces, appeared at a press briefing at the Pentagon this afternoon with a beaming Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who called the former Iraqi Information Minister “the right man for the right job at the right time.”

Explaining his decision, Secretary Rumsfeld said, “I realized that our spokesmen have been trying to do the same thing that Muhammed did three years ago, only they aren’t as credible as he was.”

Stepping up to the microphone, an ebullient “Baghdad Bob” said that conditions on the ground in Iraq “have never been better” and that the insurgency was “all but vanquished.”

“Democracy is flowering in Iraq so fast you wouldn’t believe it!” Mr. al-Sahaf added. “People think the new constitution is awesome!”

When asked by a reporter about the burned-out cars that litter the streets of Baghdad and other cities, Mr. al-Sahaf was unfazed, explaining, “Their engines overheated.”
( End of Andy's article)Note that the added emPHASIS is MINE, and seems to help UNDERstand the ISSUES inVOLved.

President Bush, meanwhile was not censured by congress, nor was he impeached yesterday.

Monday, March 20, 2006

HumoR: Beware

I just wonder if people actually get to the bottom line (of the sign...)
Shamelesssly stolen from Funny Pictures

Sunday, March 19, 2006

RanDom: My FourQuestions, Ummm Four Things...

My Four Questions, thanks to the following...
Mark Simonson and Jeffery Zeldman and Greg Storey.

, and
Four Jobs I've Had:
  1. Film Lab Technician for a large (Major) Film Processing Plant.
  2. Web site "fixer" (making Web site more user friendly) from the 50,000 foot view--AKA Software Architect.
  3. Public TV Station Sound/Video technician.
  4. Bench Tech, doing chip level repairs on Apple II,II+ PC's.
Four movies I can watch over and over
  1. Stanley Kubrick, 2001, A Space Oddessy
  2. Mel Brooks, History of the World, Part I
  3. Mel Brooks, Blazing Saddles
  4. Mel Brooks, Young Frankenstein
Four places I've lived (All in NYC!)
  1. Yecca Flats, Manhattan (aka Washington Heights)
  2. Mid-Town Manhattan
  3. The Bronx
  4. Queens
Four TV shows I love(d)--This is tough, I no longer own a working TV set, although I still have a TIVO (Contradiction?!!!- SO is life in general!)
  1. Night Court
  2. Saturday Night Live
  3. Get Smart (Mel Brooks!)
  4. Sesame Street *
Four places I've vacationed
  1. Orlando
  2. US Virgin Islands
  3. Mexico
  4. Boulder, Colorado

    Four Places I Surf Daily

  2. The Daily Crossword-I usually print it

  3. The Daily Register-- RSS feed for FIREFOX

  4. The Onion

* The first time I saw Sesame Street, I was working at A Public TV Station in NYC, and it had recently gone on the air. I was actually running the "Air Check" console, making sure that the signal leaving the studio actually went over the air, when I was first blown away by one of the early years of Sesame Street.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

HumoR: 75yr old Porn Star-3-23-06 update

Elderly Gentleman becomes garlic-powered porn star

I swear I can't make this stuff up ! a 75yrold porn Star!???!!!

No Pictures, I PROMISE!

I prefer to leave the source describe it. He wandered onto a set by accident, and when he was being chased off, they noticed his "huge bulge".



UPDATED 3/23/06
FOR LISTENERS in NY Metro Area... Z-100 pulled this story out this morning... Just a week or two LATE!!!!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

ConsumeR: The $10,000 Car is coming

Gee can you wait for the Geely car in 2008?
OK. Can you hack the "chinese" car?
I could sure stomach the price.

And get this.

The base model at the $10,000 sticker price - comes with power windows, air conditioning and a CD player.

Happy Driving. Hope the Owners Manual is translated into English!

NoT HumoR: In Memoriam (updated)

AP reports

My deepest sympathies to the family of Tara Rose McAvoy, 18, who was walking Monday near railroad tracks when she was struck by a Union Pacific train, authorities said.

A witness told Austin television station KTBC the train sounded its horn right up until the accident occurred.

{update. Ms. Tara Rose was DEAFER then a DOOR BELL !} if you didnt understand that!


But, in some parallel universe, perhaps a blind, dumb beauty queen is hit by a nasty deaf beauty queen. Nah. that's too cynical, even for me..

OK... More information dept:
1) According to RR officials, THERE ARE NO VIBRATIONS coming down from the train as it approaches. DONT depend on that!
2) According to some accounts, she was SMS'ings a text message to her parents at the time of the accident. However, it wasn't the CAUSE of the accident.
3) Cause of the accident? She was either ON the tracks, or TOO close to the tracks!


TecH: VIRUS Alert -- now RFID tags

Read how RFID tags can be infected with a virus!
Ugh. Don't we have enough to worry about yet? sigh

Oh, and Boing Boing has more on it HERE


Mind you, the END of the boing boing report ALSO tells us that a RFID engineer has claimed this is all a hoax, and not to worry about..

TecH: Big Brother Is Listening

Your Fellow passenger as a listening post

Snooping on a fool--> Where the Blogger actually snoops on another's Call... was heading home, feeling pleased with the day but a bit jaded, looking for some peace and quiet. But not tonight it seems!...
About four seats away is a man (on this occasion pronounced 'fool') with a BlackBerry mobile device and a very loud voice. He was getting ready to sell a customer something and was assigning each of his unseen team with specific tasks and roles, to discuss on an upcoming conference call.

This is very interesting ...(but...)I'm tired, and frankly this is getting to be really annoying. Eventually, he starts to close down the conversation. Relief might be here at last!
Oh no, he goes on to announce the conference number and the pass code - and say he will see them all on the conference call in a minute.

Well, I tried to resist the temptation but I have to confess, I snapped!
I dialled the conference number, was asked for the conference pass code, and entered it in. When asked for my name I made a grunting noise. Someone said: "Who is that?" I kept quiet.

Someone else logged on, and I was now a silent listener. At this point I looked around the carriage and there seemed to be an abnormal number of mobile phones in use, and everyone seemed to be listening and not saying anything. Strange but then again, perhaps not...

Big Brother Is Listening Guess What? We now live in a society that allows Big Brother (AKA) "POTUS" to spy on American Citizens, and NOT even have congress Censure him. We no longer have the ability to deny it. We no longer live in a democracy.

Don't Believe ME?
What did "W" do? Bug American CITIZENS, despite a law to the contrary.
WHY? he alleges National Security.
I allege Big brother is herer


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

HuMoR: Beer-dispensing kitchen sink

NTHe Registersays:
A lady in Norway, went to her sink, and found them dispensing beer. Unfortunately, her downstairs neighbor, the Big Tower bar, started dispensing water, from its taps.
Drats....I was going to ask someone out there to do this for ME!!!

PoliTicS: Harris to make 'major announcement' or Run for Senate ...or Run away?!

Original Headline here Shades of 2000 again....
and yet she has her supporters.

Very amusing Blog by , as well as scary...

Gee should we support W, and Jeb AGAINST Kathrine, and her crimes?
nah., go democrat. Vote the bums out!


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

HumoR: Viral Marketing

adfreak's Blog Shows a REAL NEAT Commercial.

DISCLAIMER: I do not OWN a WORKING Television.
I do have a TIVO, but TIVO cancelled my lifetime subscription (because TIVO sucks... )
( But if you work for tivo, and can help me get past the automated phone tree from hell, i'd appreciate help!
More in another post on THAT Problem)

I do, HOWEVER know of, and have EVEN SEEN the simpsons, and occassionally watch TV with my (college aged) daughter, on HER PC. (Can YOU say GEEEK-ETTE?)

I thought this was WAY cool.
YouTube's LIVE video of the simpsons intro:

HumoR: Andy Sez:

Andy (Borowitz) sez:

Forgets Security Code, Secret Question

..."Unfortunately, Chertoff is the only one who knew the security code, and he forgot it,” one source said. “He also had a secret question which could be used to retrieve the security code, but he forgot that, too.”
Mr. Chertoff also declined Vice President Dick Cheney’s offer to shoot off the lock on the building for fear that Mr. Cheney might hit the Department of Agriculture building across the street.

On Capitol Hill, news that the nation’s highest ranking homeland security official had locked himself out of his own building drew criticism from Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Del): “Michael Chertoff’s secret question should be, ‘How the hell did I get this job?’”

Thanks again Andy! (full link to his site HERE!. Highly recommended!)

RelIGioN: Chef Isaac No Mo

NeanderNews » Chef Isaac No Mo

Issac Hayes Quits as Chef.

Oh No. They killed Chef....
Oh No. Turns out he got upset

(Chef) Issac said:
“Religious beliefs are sacred to people, and at all times should be respected and honored. As a civil rights activist of the past 40 years, I cannot support a show that disrespects those beliefs and practices.”

Meantime, co-Creator Matt Stone responded:
In an interview with The Associated Press Monday, saying, “This is 100 percent having to do with his faith of Scientology… He has no problem - and he’s cashed plenty of checks - with our show making fun of Christians.” Stone said he and co-creator Trey Parker “never heard a peep out of Isaac in any way until we did Scientology.

Mark Sez:
Politics (and religion) make strange bedfellows
Mark B.

PS: Here's the show...

Monday, March 13, 2006

TecH: More on Google/NET, etc

Just a quick post.

In reviewing my Site logs, I've noticed that one of my number one posts is the Series on Google.

I just wanted to clarify a few thing, because I belive in total "transparancy" (Can't think of the right word).

a) I am a visionary. I can synthesize what others say, and build on them
b) Many Google references come from Bob Cringley, (see his blog on right side of the screen)
c) I will re-state this, based on some other theories in original messages:

c1) Google's Reported bidding for Lots of excess dark fiber running across country to hundreds of POP's across the Nation.
What is a POP?
what does this mean?
It means that Google will have a very inexpensive network of fiber going round
the country, from City to City.

c2) The data Center in a truck. Bob Cringely's original report told of the Google engineers cramming Hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of processors into a 40Ft tractor trailer Data center, which could be Trucked all over the country, and placed outside the locations of their POPS.
c2a) For those of you who have never seen the inside of a finished tractor trailer, might I suggest you look here
Mind you, you're NOT looking at the porta-johns, but the Building BEHIND the portaJohns, made out of 40ft LONG tractor trailer boxes (stacked two high here)
Yes, Johhnie, they WILL have carpeting, and perhaps a place to SIT in them, may not be two high, but will be QUITE secure, and QUITE permanent, outside the building, in the parking lot of the Local RBOC's POP.

We have network, we have processor Power, next we need the application.

c3) the Google video AD server. Google is getting contracts to PERSONALIZE the cable commercials. Will serve commercials from the local POP datacenter, so video doesnt go far!

c4) User buy in. The user Needs to buy a cheap box, that also gets them OTHER stuff, such as disk storage on the local pop datacenter?!!!

There, my dear readers is a rehash of all the other google posts I've posted.

I really get a kick of quoting myself...
Sorry. reality intercedes again


Friday, March 10, 2006

PoliticS: Bush to world Port Deal Collapse Sends Bad Message

Perhas a better headline?

Bush: Port Deal Collapse Sends Bad Message

Maybe this should be:

Bush: to World: I don't understand the issue.

What I say goes. Doesn't it?

VeggiE: Artichokes and Steaming

Jordan was discussing a chance encounter in a supermarket, about being given an Artichoke recipe.
VeggieMAN to the rescue!...

I hope she told you that the BEST way to eat artichokes is by boiling them, and then dipping each leaf in a sauce, and then sucking thru your teeth, so the "meat" comes off in your mouth, but the leaf doesnt!

Important point. In order to be in blissful agreement with the Artichoke, you need at LEAST two different sauces for dipping. I usually use one butter/whatever based sauce (can you say GARLIC?) and one salsa or red sauced based one.

Rather then reinvent the wheel, I Googled, and found the first relatively decent recipe HERE on steaming them so I didnt have to reinvent the wheel

Thursday, March 09, 2006

PoliticS: Why Bush is a failure as a president.

What Bush Really Meant: The CEO president

I really like the idea of this blogger. Hi. Let's be friends!

What the United States (and the WORLD) need to understand about our current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, in Washington is:
    HE IS:
  1. A self admitted Drunk Driver

  2. A self admitted Cocaine abuser

  3. The First (and Last I hope) MBA (Master BIZ administration) President

  4. A REALLY REALLY Bad Manager

  5. One of the TRUE HANDS-OFF Presidents in the recent past

  6. Unable to admit he has made a mistake, despite the possible grave consequences

Why Bush has failed
My opinion of his failures (and why he is a failure as the MBA president)
In Managing, He delegates OK, but does NOT FOLLOW UP and or ADJUST to ensure the RESULTS are what he wanted.
He has Tragically chosen YES men, instead of men that will DELIVER the Results he seeks.

A Great deal of our President's Problems is that he delegates well, but has no grip of reality of what problems will arise...

Since he does not have the intellectual depth to understand the problems (depth and breadth) of the problem, he does not grasp possible problems, and what might happen.
Example: Bush came into office, and told his key staff he wanted to overthrow Saddam Hussein. This begat, planning for the war, immediately after his second term started, as well as Incomplete plans for getting out of IRAQ.

Example: George W did not know anything about the Dubai Ports deal. This is because his staff either :
did not think W was capable of grasping the problems with it, if told in advance, or
Thought that since it was a financial transaction, it would stay below the radar of the press.

His first words on the matter were that he supported it, despite NOT having been informed of the deal and the deal's details.
ONLY AFTER a week or two did he actually admit that he had NOT known ANYTHING of the deal when he made his first comments.

THIS, SHOOT first, Ask Questions later is one of the KEY missing links in his presidency.

Delegation without Follow-up: Sec'y of Defense Donald Rumsfield, Alberto Gonsalves.
I would personally be very very embarassed if I were hispanic, and had supported gonsalves, as being his highest apointee so far.
EXCUSE ME.. This is the man who LEGALIZED torture with Mr. Rumsfield, and committed one of the worst acts of TREASON to this country in the past Century.
The fact that TORTURE was defended by Mr. Rumsfield, and NOT challenged by the Chief executive is tragic.

It's time for the criminals at the head of our government to be arressted and tried for war crimes.

This includes, but is NOT limited to President (George W), VP (Dick Cheney), as well as many people in the cabinet (Attny General, Sec'y of Defense), as well as PEOPLE who are the president's ADVISORS (CARL ROVE) who have deliberately flaunted and ignored rules protecting our nation's Intelligence Agents.

Predicted Charges:
George BUSH. Unilaterally Invading a soverign govenment, destroying a country, and instigating a policy and deliberately allowing TORTURE, in contradiction to the geneva convention.
Dick Cheney. SAME.
Carl Rove. OUTTING a CIA Agent (US charges, under next president).

This is a shame...

HumoR: ReliGioN:(?) Cats and dogs

"A dog says:

  • 'You pet me
  • you feed me
  • you shelter me
  • you love me
  • You must be God.

A cat says

  • You pet me
  • you feed me
  • you shelter me
  • you love me
  • I must be God

Discuss. Extra points for NOT offending the OTHER religion!

original link is here.

TecH: Humor ? 419 scambaiting and 419eaters

Scams, Pfishing, BS. We all get it, ALL the time.

What is a 419, an AFF, and why are they always sending me this JUNQUE...

I've gotten tired (so far this week), complaining about our new Govenment Monarchy, the problems our emperor has avoided seeing, (just like his clothes), and so I am going to talk about something else today! is a great place to spend a few minutes OR a few hours.

If you don't know anything about 419 spams start at the link above, in the FAQ. It's a great place to learn about the 419 schemes.

Now. If you want to know what I think of one of the classic (original) SPAM baiter spams Read about the Church of the Red Breast

Note. You can start at the first page, and read the first 10 letters, and then skip to the end of the story.

It gives you a feel of how these spammers can be "re-spammed" themselves.

ME? I have too much to do, I have way too much confidence, that I would screw it up!

Bottom Line. In the chuch of the Red Breast, our hero Makes about $120 in cash
off the nigerian spammer. I say, every time you delete a spam message smile and think of them!

TecH: New Product, New Virus

OK. In a nutshell.

New Microsoft Product (InfoPATH)
New Proof of concept virus released.

So what does this tell us?
ME? It tells me that no MATTER WHAT Micro$oft writes,
it is FILLED with BULLET HOLES that a VIRUS can slip thru.
YOU? Your mileage may vary... Source Article here!

ME? I remain someone who knows the following.
1) Bill Gates wrote ONE program in his life. A basic interpreter for early PC's. (All the other stuff,like DOS... Was PURCHASED from another company!
2) Bill and company have been in the right place at the right time many time in the history of microsoft
3) They buy most of their initial software.
4) Release 1.0 of any software by MS should be avoided
4a) Collary of rule 4. Version 3.0 should be considered the first "NON-Buggy" version of SW.
5) Features, NOT security, have ALWAYS been the focus of M$ products.
6) I will never be as RICH, influential, or important as Bill Gates, however I am happy.

'nuff said...

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

PoliticS: Fourth Amendment (tape) going going gone.

Boing Boing: Fourth Amendment luggage tape

EFF rocks....

But...I wonder if this tape will actually make you have MORE problems when your luggage goes thru the scanners.


MidEasT: NPR Report on Dubai

For Shame (or should I say SHAM) NPR.

Just heard your Morning Edition Report on your reporter's introduction to Dubai.
He gave interesting background on the indoor ski slope, the skyscrapers, the ruling Sheik's passion for being NON-Committed (Politically), as well as the reputation for the city being the largest prostition center in the mid-east*.

YOU FORGOT to mention that Dubai STILL subscribes to the ARAB League's BOYCOTT of ISRAEL.

Quick Reminder of some products from israel that they should learn to live without:
INTEL processors
Windows XP and 2000
CheckPoint Firewall Products
And lots more.

*Your choice of Chinese or Russian Prostitutes only, no Islamic women apparently...

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

HuMor: Andy Rocks!

Andy Renames March Madness

The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) stunned the sports world today by announcing that its annual college basketball tournament, known to its fans as March Madness, will henceforth be known as March Bipolar Disorder.

The name-change, which both surprised and outraged devotees of the annual ritual, came after the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) demanded that the NCAA drop the “Madness” tag.

While fans across the country argued that “March Bipolar Disorder” did not have the same ring to it, a spokesperson for the NIMH said today that the new name was “more clinically accurate.”

ConsTiTutioN: Censorship -- in Iraq, in US, all over

Boing Boing: PRI's "The World" on SmartFilter's BoingBoing "nudity" ban

Boing boing is being censored by SmartFilter.
Brian Leher
Talked about it this morning too.
OK... I rewrote this (sigh) to compress several censorship topics from Boing Boing today.

a) They are being blocked as a nudity source by the smartfilter software (also used by countries as a filter.

b) our Boys on the front are being CENSORED deliberately... NOT RIGHT.

It seems that this is not appropriate. I think we need to start WRITING to our CONGRESSMEN and SENATORS in Washington, to complain about this blatent censorship.

Veggie: LA Times: TUNA (Sushi) tested Hi in Mercury

Oh shucks. I eat kosher, so I don't have shrimp or Squid Sushi. Now I have to worry about Mercury??
Might as well give up all sushi to be safe too!

Group Warns of Toxic Tuna - Los Angeles Times

MidEasT: {Blast from the PAST} editorial (5-26-1968) LA TIMES

"Israel's Peculiar Position"
Los Angeles Times, Sunday May 26, 1968, Section G-7.

I wonder if you remember Eric Hoffer. He was a longshoreman that turned
into a philosopher, wrote columns for newspapers and some books. If I
remember correctly, he even taught at some university. Here is one of his
columns from 1968.

CAN YOU BELIEVE..... This article was written 34 years ago!!! Some truths
never change.

Eric Hoffer was a Jewish American social philosopher. He as born in
1902 and died in 1983, after writing nine books and winning the Presidential
Medal of Freedom. His first book, The Tr!ue Believer, published in 1951,
was widely recognized as a classic.



By Eric Hoffer (LA Times 5/26/68)

The Jews are a peculiar people: things permitted to other nations are
forbidden to the Jews. Other nations drive out thousands, even millions of
people and there is no refugee problem. Russia did it, Poland and
Czechoslovakia did it, Turkey threw out a million Greeks, and Algeria a
million Frenchman. Indonesia threw out heaven knows how many Chinese- and no
one says a word about refugees.
But in the case of Israel the displaced Arabs have become eternal
refugees. Everyone insists that Israel must take back every single Arab.

Arnold Toynbee calls the displacement of the Arabs an atrocity greater
than any committed by the Nazis. Other nations when victorious on the
battlefield dictate peace terms. But when Israel is victorious it must sue
for peace. Everyone expects the Jews to be the only real Christians in this
world. Other nations when they are defeated survive and recover but should
Israel be defeated it would be destroyed. Had Nasser triumphed last June he
would have wiped Israel off the map, and no one would have lifted a finger
to save the Jews. No commitment to the Jews by any government, including our
own, is worth the paper it is written on.

There is a cry of outrage all over the world when people die in Vietnam or
when two Negroes are executed in Rhodesia. But when Hitler slaughtered Jews
no one remonstrated with him. The Swedes, who are ready to break off
diplomatic relations with America because of what we do in Vietnam, did not
let out a peep when Hitler was slaughtering Jews. They sent Hitler choice
iron ore, and ball bearings, and serviced his troop trains to Norway.

The Jews are alone in the world. If Israel survives, it will be solely
because of Jewish efforts. And Jewish resources. Yet at this moment Israel
is our only reliable and unconditional ally. We can rely more on Israel than
Israel can rely on us. And one has only to imagine what would have happened
last summer had the Arabs and their Russian backers won the war to realize
how vital the survival of Israel is to America and the West in general.
I have a premonition that will not leave me; as it goes with Israel so
will it go with all of us. Should Israel perish the holocaust will be upon

ConstiTution: Foreign Ownership/Administration of US Ports

OK. Time for my two Cents, since I missed almost a week of Blogging time (is that a year in Real time?!! It seems like it!!!)

Dubai Ports World and the US.

It shouldn't be a question of Mid-East ownership of US ports.

It SHOULD be a case of WHO owns the company. In this case, the RULER of Dubai?!!!

Foreign Ownership cannot be avoided anymore. The Cat is already out of the bag.
However, we need to STUFF the Cat BACK into the Bag, so that OWNERSHIP ***AND MANAGEMENT *** of OUR ports becomes an American Business.

It will not be easy, as we already (in the 1970's and 1980's) SOLD all our port management overseas, as we didnt want the hassles of RUNNING them.

OR we need a provision that EVERY Port is SUBJECT to IMMEDIATE military take-over, or nationalization (oh Gee, am I really saying this, given George W's current desire to amass MORE presidential power?) in case of national emergency.

Sigh. The more we learn, the more we wish we had paid attention back when we could have avoided the stupid consequences we are forced to live with.

By the way, the 45 day delay of takeover of the British Company is a total farce.
They did NOT DELAY acquisition of the company, just in delaying implementing the new structure in the United States for 45 days.

Therefore, in the middle of APRIL you can expect the BUSH administration to say, oh. We cannot stop the acquisition of the ports deal, or undo it, it was finalized in MARCH, and therefore they HAVE to have access to their property.

Heads You lose, Tails I win.Sayeth Bush


PS: if you read my blog, email me so I know someone actually reads my rants and raves!

Monday, March 06, 2006

PoliticS: MidEasT: The Arab Boycott of Israel

Let's call a spade a spade.

Let's call the boycott an attempt to ignore the power of the pocketbook.

Yeah. I dare you ALL of you "ARAB" countries still boycotting ISRAEL to continue to do
it,and claim that you REALLY do it when you realize a list of the things made in ISRAEL, LIKE:
  2. CHECKPOINT Firewall software
  3. The Core designs(and intellectual property for Intel's Pentium Processors)

  4. And a whole other list of stuff.

AND I won't even start on IBM's software engineering center there
Let the Arab states go back to the abacus for all I care

[/rant mode off]

HuMoR: New Cisco Certification Requirements

Cisco Systems Announces New CCNA prerequesites for certification.

OK. I admit it I was inspired by a entry at NeanderNews about "Bum" Wines

Sunday, March 05, 2006

HuMoR: Natalie Portman Rap

YouTube - Natalie Portman SNL Digital Short

Dead link above(removed) ... Try this link one!
3rd relink after content removed!
Natalie's fan site!

Wow. I'm in love again and drats. She IS young enough to be my daughter despite being the "mother" of Darth Vader...

From SNL last nite!

Warning. It is full of bleeps! but bleeping FUNNY!

PS: I have the video and a much smaller MP3 of this now, if you're desperate and can't find them anywhere else...

HumoR: Blog satire mistaken as news by agencies in Syria, Pakistan

As my Grandmother would have said:

OY VEY ist Meer

Boing Boing: Says Blog satire mistaken as Real news by by Pakistan & Syria

Apparently our close friends and allies in Pakistan,found this and thought it was a real story.
Wonder if the President will comment?

MidEasT: Academy Awards:: PALEstine?? No such place

Excuse me
[idiotic RANTING mode ON]

Palestine? Ain't No such STATE.
Oh you mean the place Israel calls the West Bank, and that the United States politely calls the "Occupied Terrorities" sometimes?

Well Let's take a walk back a few years.
The Year is 1948. WW II has just ended, and Hitler's Plan to Exterminate the Jewish race is 1/2 over. Six Million Jews were killed, and Gassed in his mass extermination plan.

What do we (The world powers--USSR/Rusia/Britian/Frace) do? They have the UN PARTITION the British administered area of PALESTINE into TWO states. A JEWISH STATE and an ARAB state.

Wow. The day this happened, two things happened very quickly. The Jewish state, called Israel, was attacked by EVERY single Arab Nation in the area.

The other thing that most people don't remember is that the Hashimite Kingdom of Jordan, ANNEXED ALL OF THE LAND of the ARAB STATE the SAME darn day.

THAT is where PALESTINE is.
Go take over Jordan.
Yes. I want a two state solution.
I want the original 1948 borders, which DONT include Jerusalem in the ARAB state.
STAY OUT OF THIS BLATENT ATTEMPT TO POLITICIZE the Oscars to benefit the phantom country of PALESTINE.....

Oh. And guess what? The Arab State of Dubai (United Arab Emerites) STILL enforces the Arab Boycott of Israel.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

TecH: More on Google Ascending to the TOP of the tech Heap

Ok. My favorite Technology prognosticator talks more about the Next internet, or what will be coming next.

I say: Bob... You missed your own point from last month... Google will be eating up EVERYONE's supper, because of the following ( Summary of Bob's "Google Rules Everything" ):

You yourself (that is BOB) put together the essence of this. I just have the ability to see the


and string these things together.

The Google PC, or application box.
The Google Dark Fiber network
The Google (Mobile) truck borne data center
The google Network contracts with the networks

AND this, the piece de resistance. The google (you bought into*) personalized video commercials. Presented to you LOCALLY, by national OR local advertisers who want YOU to see their ads!

I still say WOW!!!

* THe google PC, or media adapter, or whatever they call it, that you will need to buy, in as your consent to this whole deal

MidEasT: 'Net censorship in Pakistan: blogspot banned

Boing Boing: 'censorship in Pakistan: blogspot banned

And this is our new Partner on the war on terrorism?! Are You Scared too?
Just think. They HAVE the bomb,and they gave the technology to IRAN too!

Friday, March 03, 2006

HumoR: THE "I" Word

Tivoli. (See HERE for it's meaning)... I was listening to Brian Leher this morning, and he started his show by saying, that, "More and More people are starting to use the "I" word, with President Bush."

I Immediately thought, Idiot, I agree he is! But he was actually talking about "I"mpeachment! Time to do it! BUT Cheny has to resign first!

Curious George

Our PresiDenT of the UniteD sTates.
Or is that AltereD States?


Thursday, March 02, 2006

Ready 2 VeggiE: Get Ready to say bye to Eggs, Chicken!

In the News: Bird Flu Hits Poultry Stocks at French Farm

Hey Folks:

See my predictions at end of this piece!

Bird Flu Has now hit the largest commercial Turkey Farm in France.

It's Getting Closer!
We will:
A) Lose ALL (commercial & small farm) Poultry farming in the USA.
B) For a limited amount of time, EGGS will be available.
However, Organic (Free-Range) eggs will become unavailable by this summer
C) There will no be more CHICKEN in this country by November 2006
D) We will have a full fledged FLU PANDEMIC by December 2006
(and it won't affect me unless I catch the flu from a Human... I've been a vegetarian for over 30 years now!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006