Friday, April 11, 2008

BITCH: bitch-slap her... Reprise (Heather Mills)

ok.. The AP (via ABC news says)
that Heather (I had Paul; but I lost him) Mills said, "Mills Explains Divorce Court Outburst" from Las Vegas, where she was judging The Miss USA pagent.


(...I...)"became angry when his lawyer, Fiona Shackleton, argued that full details of the case, including some related to the couple's 4-year-old daughter, Beatrice, should be disclosed.

"Mrs. Shackleton said something under her breath so I cleansed and baptized her," Mills said. "I thought she looked fantastic - I thought it did her the world of good."

What a stupid, self-righteous bitch... Kick her off the judging pool, and CUT off her GOOD leg... That's be better...

And she can take the 40 million she DID get, and she can buy bionic legs..

Then her legs will match her BALLS... Bionic that is...

wow... two posts in ONE day... I guess the blog is ACTIVE again!

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