Saturday, February 17, 2007

DepressinG: space for Sale!

Wow talk about cramped! But look at the PICTURES of what someone determined they could do with it! He deserves a medal!

The BBC had a post about the MOST expensive space ever sold in London

In what was typical understated British humor, the BBC reported:
In fact, the £170,000 price tag may make it one of the few affordable properties in what is London's and the UK's costliest borough.

They did honestly report on the apartment's dimensions:
The former janitor's storeroom measures 11ft by 7ft and has a cupboard place for a shower and kitchenette area.

They then discretely mention
that the size is roughly the size of a snooker table has gone on sale for £170,000 in London's upmarket Chelsea.

Simple Simon's slideshow on Flickr

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