Tuesday, September 19, 2006

HumoR: Talk like a Pirate Day

Augh me mateys.

Almost forgot --- Toady is the International Talk like a pirate day...

September 19th.

crimineys go google it if u want. Awark.

Just saw this, and had to post it.
If you like it, you can see the world's FIRST interet only cartoonist and go back and read EVERY single strip since 1996(I think?) at userfriendly.org


Molly said...

Well Shiver my timbers, thanks for that, I would have never known!

I am sooo having some Long John Silver's for dinner.

Kansas said...

DAMN! I hate it when I miss International Talk Like a Pirate Day! And me with my peg leg in the shop...

Mark Brown said...

And I miss Dave Barry's twice weekly commentaries on life, Dolphins, and the restaurant at the end of the universe.