Is a "War on Terrorism" (or war on Terrorists) Appropriate?
Are we currently in a war against Terrorism?
Are we Winning?
Can we win?
Is it possible for an ARMY to actually WAGE war against a terrorist opponent?
What do we do?
Well These Questions are NOT for our (american) views against IRAQ.
These very questions apply to Israel's attempt to root out the Terrorists in the
Hezbolla semi-legitimate political party.
(They currently hold 19% of the seats of the Lebanese Parliment. Does this make them the Government? yes or no???)
At any Rate: Here are some questions more detailed.
- Is it proper to respond to an enemy attack of a rocket launched against CIVILIAN targets?
- Yes: If the enemy is shooting a rocket at civilians, and the population has been warned prior to the attack that enemy rockets will be tracked and destroyed, it IS proper.
- NO: The enemy has a right to target whatever targets he desires. War is WAR. Despite Civilian Casualties, you should not target a civilian target.
- Define a CIVILIAN target.
- Is an Apartment house a Civilian Target?
- Is a day care center a Civilian Target?
- Is a Hospital a Civilian Target?
- Is a location where rockets are fired from a Civilian Target?
- Define a Military target
- Israel, as most CIVIL nations in the world define a military target as a stand-alone base, used to store, house, and even launch weapons from.
- Civilized nations (AND CIVILIZED enemies) DO NOT use their CIVILIAN populations as a HOSTAGE shield from behind which they operate.
- Israel does NOT launch munitions from CIVILIAN population centers.
- Hizbollzah does launch munitions from CIVILIAN population centers.
There is NO Way the American (or even Arab) media will ever allow this information to come through the "airwaves".
It is time to put your mouth where your money is.
These are the "excuse the expression --" talking points we need to make clear:
- Israel did NOT start this WAR
- Israel is NOT bombing innocent civilian targets.
- Hizbollah is using mobile, backpack sized weapons. They are going to a building, holding a gun to the person answering the door, and then saying I need to go to your roof.
- Once on their roof, they shoot off their missle, or missles.
- (perhaps) fifteen minutes later, the Israelis shoot off a missle to that exact co-ordinate and destroy whatever was there.
- Hizbollah has fired rockets from roofs of Day Care Centers
- Hizbollah has fired rockets from roofs of Apartment buildings
- Hizbollah has fired rockets from roofs of Hospitals
- Hizbollah doesnt care. They feel that world opinion against "innocent" civilian casualties will protect them
It is NOT until EVERYONE understands HOW and why INNOCENT civillians ARE GETTING killed that this war will stop.
Don't think that the ISRAELI rocket killed those 50 children today...
IT was their very LEBANESE HIZBOLLAH brothers and fathers that killed them.
The father that went on that roof and fired those missles towards HAIFA, and then left everyone in the basement!
Sorry to be so pessimestic
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