Monday, May 29, 2006

RumSFelD: My Rules for Life (16th in a series) SERVING IN GOVERNMENT (Part 3 of 3)

--> Note that all quotes titled"rumsfeld says" comes from a document he created in 2001, entitled, "My Rules for Life" (see bottom of post for original source)

<-- $$$ Rumsfeld Says $$$
Watch for the “not invented here” syndrome.
*** Markbnj says ***
Maybe you should take your OWN advice?!!!

<-- $$$ Rumsfeld Says $$$
“The atmosphere in which social legislation is
considered is not a friend of truth.” (Pat Moynihan )
*** Markbnj says ***
Perhaps considering ALL the sides of an Issue would help?

<-- $$$ Rumsfeld Says $$$
If in doubt, don’t.
*** Markbnj says ***
OOhhh This is FUNNY... Like Don't make a war without good reason???!

<-- $$$ Rumsfeld Says $$$
− If still in doubt, do what’s right.
*** Markbnj says ***
Like DON'T UNDERCOMMIT the TROOPS and FUNDS needed to WIN the darned WAR???!!!

<-- $$$ Rumsfeld Says $$$
Treat each federal dollar as if it was hard earned; it was – by a taxpayer.
*** Markbnj says ***
AND I ask that my DOLLAR be returned. You screwed up your intelligence (what intelligence?), and what planning did you do? sorry!

<-- $$$ Rumsfeld Says $$$
“Try to analyze situations intelligently, anticipate problems and move swiftly to solve them.
*** Markbnj says ***
In other Words PLAN for what happens after they "Surrendered!!"

<-- $$$ Rumsfeld Says $$$
However, when you’re up to your
ears in alligators, it is difficult to remember that the reason
you’re there is to drain the swamp.” (Unknown)

*** Markbnj says ***
Come Equipped with the RIGHT number of employees, and the RIGHT equipment to drain the swamp EASILY and with NO TROUBLE at all! THE RIGHT planning is the KEY!!!
<-- $$$ Rumsfeld Says $$$
“In Washington, D.C., the size of a farewell party may be directly proportional to the honoree’s new position and their prospective
ability to dispense largess.” (D.G. Cross)
*** Markbnj says ***
I hope your farewell party is small, and occurs in Riyad, Saudia Arabia

<-- $$$ Rumsfeld Says $$$
“Every government looking at the actions of another government
and trying to explain them always exaggerates rationality and conspiracy, and underestimates incompetency and fortuity.”
(Silberman’s Law of Diplomacy, U.S. Circuit Court Judge Laurence Silberman)

*** Markbnj says ***
Yeah. And the Next president will surely indict you as guilty of TREASON against our country! Run away to Saudia Arabia while you can!
--Read the ORIGINAL source HERE:
Rumsy says:See my original post HERE. (all 13 pages of it) that the original source pdf file Mysterously dissapeared on 4/25, but the GOOGLE cached version is HERE

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