<-- $$$ Rumsfeld Says $$$
If in doubt, move decisions up to the President.
*** Markbnj says ***
Good Idea. Why don't you move your resignation up to the president again...
<-- $$$ Rumsfeld Says $$$
When you raise issues with the President, try to come away with*** Markbnj says ***
both that decision and also a precedent. Pose issues so as to evoke broader
policy guidance. This can help to answer a range of similar issues likely to
arise later.
It would be quite helpful if you actually DISCUSS the ramnifications of these ideas with the president. Otherwise he will be in the dark!
<-- $$$ Rumsfeld Says $$$
See that the President, the Cabinet and staff are informed.*** Markbnj says ***
If cut out of the information flow, their decisions may be poor, not made,
or not confidently or persuasively implemented.
ANd make sure that Karl Rove is NOT in on any strategic decisions
<-- $$$ Rumsfeld Says $$$
Don’t allow people to be excluded from a meeting or denied an opportunity to express their views because their views differ from the*** Markbnj says ***
President’s, the person who calls the meeting, or your views. The staff system must have integrity and discipline.
Even if they were formerly under YOUR command, and now say you made bad decisions!
<-- $$$ Rumsfeld Says $$$
When the President is faced with a decision, be sure he has the recommendations of all appropriate people, or that he realizes he does not
have their views and is willing to accept the consequence. They will be out
of sync, unhappy and less effective if they feel they are or are
seen as having been “cut out.”
*** Markbnj says ***
Ditto last comment
<-- $$$ Rumsfeld Says $$$
Don’t be a bottleneck. If a matter is not a decision for*** Markbnj says ***
the President or you, delegate it. Force responsibility down and out.
Find problem areas, add structure and delegate. The pressure is to
do the reverse. Resist it.
You HAVE become one of the bottlenecks in this administration. Avoid it by resigning!
--Read the ORIGINAL source HERE:
Rumsy says:
See my original post HERE. (all 13 pages of it)Note that the original source pdf file Mysterously dissapeared on 4/25, but the GOOGLE cached version is HERE
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