Thursday, September 28, 2017

Shame-out: 45 screws up "Jones act" Hurricane relief

***update 845 am**

His press secretary just tweeted he was suspending Jones act.

One good move.. He listened to his advisers for a change.


Well, he's done it again.  The idiot in chief has denied Puerto Rico's request to suspend the Jones act  [That law requires all shipping between US ports to use US registered ships].  He denied the request, despite having done this for houston and Florida, in the previous hurricanes.

What a dork.  Not really a smart decision in an emergency situation.

First order of business:
Have the cell carriers drop emergency cell
systems (with generators) all over the island.  The carriers all have these mini cells ready to go.

Second:  have air force drop new emergency air traffic controllers and min command centers into airport. The main radar towers were destroyed.

Third:  army staff the ports to unload ships
Immediate tankers with gas diesel to island.

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